Jiří Coufal

Novobohdalecká 14, Praha 10, 10100
Hlavní město Praha

Komplexní stěhovací servis, možnost pronájmu vozidla s řidičem v Praze. Důkladné obalení smršťovacími fóliemi, možnost zdarma zapůjčení velkých přepravek. Stěhujeme a přestěhujeme pro vás spolehlivě, rychle a bezpečně byty, domy, chalupy a chaty. Po dohodě vám nabízíme i vícedenní postupné stěhování. Možnost přepravy stěhované osoby spolu s nákladem. Převážíme také zvířata, stromy a ostatní objemné předměty. Lokální stěhování po Praze můžeme zajistit po dohodě i ve večerních hodinách. Doprava nákladu je možná i do těžce dostupných míst. Stěhování Praha odpovědně, rychle a vše dohodou nabízí mladý podnikatel se svým bratrem! I malá zakázka je nám zakázkou. Zavolejte a my Vám zpracujeme nabídku obratem. Levně a s profesionálním přístupem nabízíme NONSTOP POMOC MOTORISTŮM - odtah vozidla. Česky. Household Removals. We move households of all sizes, flats/apartments, houses, weekend houses, cottages etc. including cellars and garden furniture. We offer co-operation with small companies in and around Prague. We can arrange transport of people (and pets) with the load. We can also transport trees, plants, paintings, statues and other bulky objects. Removals can be arranged to take place over more days in cases when clients find it more convenient or less stressful. We can arrange complete packing services, disassembly of large pieces of furniture and supply boxes and other packing material. We always have plenty of packing material with us and so we can help with packing when necessary, e.g. with stretch foil. We can also arrange temporary accommodation for our clients in Prague and other cities. International Removals We have extensive experience in the area of international removals. Our drivers are used to driving long distances (both on the left-hand and right-hand side of the road) and they can speak English. We carefully organize the whole removal and pay attention to all details. We take care of every aspect of the journey, including well-timed loading, and we can also organize storage, ferry tickets booking etc. The ideal way to move abroad is when everything is well organized, the clients can travel with their things and there is no stress involved, and that is why we prefer ease and comfort to speed. Nevertheless, we are of course able to arrange express transport all over Europe. All commissions are dealt with according to the wishes and needs of our customers. Local Removals Local removals in Prague can be done as convenient: in the mornings, during the day or in the evenings. There is no additional charge for removals during the weekend. By "local" we mean removals in Prague and the suburbs and the surrounding area. Piece removals (e.g. a few pieces of furniture, such as a sofa, a wardrobe or a fridge) are priced according to how demanding the job is. All commissions are dealt with according to the wishes and needs of our customers. We offer 4WD transport to difficult-to-reach places in mountainous areas or on unsealed roads. If there is a longer off-road drive involved, it is best to arrange an inspection beforehand. The best compliment our company has received is the increasing number of commissions, based on the recommendation of our former customers. We hope that you will be as happy with our services as they have been.

Podívejte se na podobné hvězdné dodavatele

Jaroslav Němec

Naše firma se zabývá vyklízením a stěhováním bytů, kanceláří, pozůstalostí, sklepů a dalších prostor na klíč. Samozřejmostí je přistavení kontejnerů a likvidace vzniklého odpadu. Provádíme také bourací práce.


  • +420 222 551 815 V pracovní dny 8:00 - 16:30
  • info@aaapoptavka.cz

O nás

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