Infosys (Czech Republic) Limited s.r.o.

Holandská 9, Brno, 63900
Jihomoravský kraj

Infosys BPO Ltd., the business process outsourcing subsidiary of Infosys Ltd. (NYSE: INFY), was set up in April 2002. Infosys BPO focuses on integrated end-to-end outsourcing and delivers transformational benefits to its clients through reduced costs, ongoing productivity improvements, and process reengineering. Infosys BPO operates in India, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Ireland, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, the United States, Puerto Rico, China, the Philippines, Singapore, and Australia, and as of April, 2016, employed 33,798 people. Infosys BPO has been consistently ranked among the leading BPO companies and has received over 60 awards and recognitions in the last 5 years from key industry bodies and forums like the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals, Outsourcing Center, SSON, and NOA, among others. Infosys BPO also has very robust people practices, as substantiated by the various HR-specific awards it has won over the years. The company has consistently been ranked among the top employers of choice, on the basis of its industry leading HR best practices. The company’s senior leaders contribute widely to industry forums as BPO strategists.

Podívejte se na podobné hvězdné dodavatele

Sprinx Systems, a.s.

Údolní 212/1, Praha 4 - Braník, 14700

IVAR ID Poděbrady, s.r.o.

Systém pro evidenci a zpracování docházky, plánování směn, přístupové systémy, technologie bezkontaktní identifikace, čtečky LF, HF, UHF. Dodávky čipů, karet, hodinek. Dodávky SW, vývoj na klíč, mobilní aplikace, dodávky turniketů, branky, brány, el. zámky pro šatní skříňky Off-Line i On-Line, pokladní systémy pro aquaparky, sportovní centra, haly, saun, wellness a pod., vstupenkové systémy pro zimní stadiony a multifunkční haly

Ing. Dana Rosolová, MBA

Tibetská 807/5, Praha 6, Vokovice, 16000


  • +420 222 551 815 V pracovní dny 8:00 - 16:30

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